About me

This is where my Yogic life began… 

Way before I was aware that this feeling of fulfillment and belonging is YOGA.

For as long as I can remember, I have always been dazzled by Nature.


Nature has this incredible power of making me feel grateful for witnessing its beauty, of making me have faith in a higher energy that connects all beings and of accepting myself, and all beings, as part of this energy with humility and deep respect.


Because of this love for Nature, I left everything behind and moved to the country side where I can follow the rhythm of the seasons and be closer to this miracle every day. 

Me, now

My name is Ana Filipa and I was born in 1976.

Lisbon was my home for 37 years and I moved to Alentejo in 2014 where I live in a small house with plenty of land for myself and my family: three dogs – Rebeca, Goji and Simba and one cat, Margarida.

My family, my Indian roots 

My parents are both Portuguese, but my mother was born and raised in a traditional Goan family in India. So, although I grew up in Portugal, my Indian roots were always there: either in the spicy home cooking, in the stories about Goan Culture around the table, or in my travels visiting my family in India and getting to know its incredible culture.

The turning point

Although Yoga was somehow always present in my life, it was only in 2018 – after an emotional breakdown – that I became aware of the transforming power of Yoga outside the mat and finally allowed Yoga to change my life.


I took the decision to focus on my health and, after coming back from a Yoga and Ayurveda retreat, I realised that I had started a deep healing process, powered by Yoga and Nature as an infinite source of Prana – bioenergy.

Yoga as my lifestyle

After the retreat, I left my old habits behind and took ownership of the new routines I had learned, completely changing my lifestyle.


As the days went by, I became more and more aware of the impact of daily Yoga practices on my physical, mental and emotional health: every day I woke up motivated, full of energy and with an enthusiasm that lasted until the sunset! 

After sometime, I decided to study more deeply Yoga and Ayurveda for my own self-knowledge and growth.

First I learned more about Ayurveda and the connection between our FOOD and our physical and mental health

And I then became interested in the STUDY OF THE MIND according to  Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and enrolled in a 2 year course of study that took me to Mumbai, India at the beginning of 2023, where I concluded the course Yoga Psychology Counselling promoted by the Yog Psychology Foundation and the Yoga Institute of Mumbai.

It was through this journey that I truly discovered the incredible transforming power of Yoga Psychology: it has taught me not to worry about the future; past traumas no longer have such a strong impact on me and my relationships, especially the closer ones, run more smoothly: everything is flowing much better!


It was this personal transformation that led me to take the decision to dedicate myself to this greater purpose: guiding others on this wonderful path of self-knowledge and self-healing, contributing to a better self, a better community and a better world.